Basic Scala
Two kinds of variables: val (immutable, can't be reassigned once initialized) and var (mutable).
// for comments.
val two: Int = 2
var a: String = "massy"
// you can also use type inference
val one = 1
// println to print
// define function to see if the variable hand is greater than 21
def bust(hand: Int) = {
hand > 21
// call the function
Arrays and Lists
Mutable collections of values, can be updated or extended.
// I use val, so names is immutable
val names = Array("Massy", "Ceci", "Cooper")
// but arrays are mutable, so I can change a value to another of the same type
names(2) = "Alvise"
// you can use the supertype Any if you want an array with different element types
val MixedTypes = new Array[Any](3)
MixedTypes(0) = "Hello world!"
MixedTypes(1) = 2
MixedTypes(2) = true
Lists are immutable collections, can't be changed.
val OtherNames = List("Massy", "Ceci", "Cooper")
// Lists are immutable, if I want to add an element I have to create a new list
// :: is the cons operator to add a new element to the beginning of an existing List
val NewOtherNames = "Alvise" :: OtherNames
// Nil is an empty List in Scala, so a common way to create a new list is this:
val AllNames = "Massy" :: "Ceci" :: "Cooper" :: Nil
// ::: to concatenate Lists
Val NamesNames = OtherNames ::: NewOtherNames
Control Structures
if - else
// If this hand busts, print to output
if (hand > 21) {
println("This hand busts")
// If we have and else condition, no { are needed
if (handA > handB) println(handA)
else println(handB)
// we can use also elseifs
if (bust(handA) & bust(handB)) println(0)
else if (bust(handA)) println(handB)
else if (bust(handB)) println(handA)
else if (handA > handB) println(handA)
else println(handB)
Relational operators:
Greater than: >
Less than: <
Greater than or equal to: >=
Less than or equal to: <=
Equal to: ==
Not equal to: !=
Logical operators:
And: &&
Or: ||
Not: !
While Loops
// define the counter
var i = 0
// repetition
var NumRepetitions = 3
// while Loop
while (i < NumRepetition) {
println("Hip Hip Hooray!")
i = i+1
// loop over a collection (bust is our previous defined function)
var hands = Array(19,21,22)
while (i < hands.length) {
i = i+1
Foreach Loops
foreach is a method
var hands = Array(19,21,22)
// bust is the function we have defined over