Data Science Specialization Capstone Project (2/2): The Next Word App
This is my Capstone Project for the Data Science Specialization by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.
The goal of the Capstone Project was to implement a useful model for predict a word given one or more words and to develop a web app to use it.
In the last post you can find how I created the tables used for this app that I will use in this page.
Below there is the code for the app written using R Studio and Shiny, in addiction to R there is a bit of HTML and CSS.
You can find the entire code on my Github.
You can try the app here.
ui.R file
#word {
color: gold;
font-size: 300%;
#others {
color: gold;
font-size: 200%;
font-family: "Calibri";
color: gold;
body, label, input, button, select {
font-family: "Calibri";
background: #000000 url("") bottom left;
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
titlePanel(HTML("<font size=10 color=white><b><center>The Next Word App</center></b></font><br/>"),windowTitle="The Next Word App"),
sidebarPanel(tags$style(".well {background-color:#d3d3d3;}"),
# First tab (input)
tabPanel(HTML("<font color=black>Input</font>"),
textInput("Word", NULL,
placeholder = "Write the words here...")
,actionButton("go","Go!", icon = icon("plane"))
,HTML("<br/><br/><br/><a href=>©massyfigini</a>")),
# Second tab (Instruction)
tabPanel(HTML("<font color=black>About the app</font>"),
This app predict the next word given one or more words.<br/>
In the input tab, you have to write one or more words and press the 'Go!' button, and the app will predict the next word.<br/>
The English 'Corpora' data are the starting point for the algorithm, you can find more information
<a href=>here</a>.
The algorithm is created starting from the 'Corpora' data. The data are first divided in sentences, than I have
made the bigram, trigram and 4-gram data.
Every words you insert, the algorithm choose the most probabilities next word. You can find more information
<a href=>here</a>.
<br/><br/><a href=>©massyfigini</a>")))
HTML("<font size=5 color=white>Top probability next word</font><br/>"),
HTML("<font size=5 color=white>Other possibly words</font><br/>"),
server.R file
Found <- 'N'
virgola <- ',\n'
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$go, {
a <- tolower(input$Word)
a <- unlist(strsplit(a, " ", fixed=TRUE))
# Algorithm
if(length(a) > 2) {
# more then 2 words: first in quadrigram, then trigram, then bigram
c <- paste(a[length(a)-2], a[length(a)-1], a[length(a)])
Next <- WordQuadrigram %>% filter(Start == c) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
# search in trigram
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
b <- paste(a[length(a)-1], a[length(a)])
Next <- WordTrigram %>% filter(Start == b) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
# word not found, search in bigram
z <- a[length(a)]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
# word not found in bigram
Found <- 'N'
} else {
# found in bigram
Found <- 'B'
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
} else {
# found in trigram
Found <- 'T'
T1 <- Next[1]
T2 <- Next[2]
T3 <- Next[3]
# search also in bigram
z <- a[length(a)]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
# found in quadrigram
} else {
Found <- 'Q'
Q1 <- Next[1]
Q2 <- Next[2]
Q3 <- Next[3]
# search also in bigram
z <- a[length(a)]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
} else if(length(a) == 2) {
# if are two, search in trigram first
b <- paste(a[1], a[2])
Next <- WordTrigram %>% filter(Start == b) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
# word not found, search in bigram
z <- a[length(a)]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
# word not found
Found <- 'N'
} else {
# found in bigram
Found <- 'B'
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
} else {
# found in trigram
Found <- 'T'
T1 <- Next[1]
T2 <- Next[2]
T3 <- Next[3]
# found also in bigram
z <- a[length(a)]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
} else {
# if only one go here
z <- a[1]
Next <- WordBigram %>% filter(Start == z) %>% select(First,Second,Third)
if(nrow(Next) == 0) {
# word not found
Found <- 'N'
} else {
# found
Found <- 'B'
B1 <- Next[1]
B2 <- Next[2]
B3 <- Next[3]
output$word <- renderPrint({
if(Found == 'N') {
HTML("<font size=5 color=red>Next word not found!</font>")
} else if(Found == 'B' ) {
print(unname(B1), row.names=FALSE)
} else if (Found == 'T'){
print(unname(T1), row.names=FALSE)
} else if (Found == 'Q'){
print(unname(Q1), row.names=FALSE)
output$others <- renderPrint({
if(Found == 'N') {
HTML("<font size=5 color=red>Words not found!</font>")
} else if(Found == 'B') {
print(unname(B2), row.names=FALSE)
print(unname(B3), row.names=FALSE)
} else if(Found == 'T'){
if(as.character(T1$First[1]) != as.character(B1$First[1])) {
print(unname(B1), row.names=FALSE)
if(as.character(T1$First[1]) != as.character(B2$Second[1])) {
print(unname(B2), row.names=FALSE)
if(as.character(T1$First[1]) != as.character(B3$Third[1])) {
print(unname(B3), row.names=FALSE)
} else if(Found == 'Q'){
if(as.character(Q1$First[1]) != as.character(B1$First[1])) {
print(unname(B1), row.names=FALSE)
if(as.character(Q1$First[1]) != as.character(B2$Second[1])) {
print(unname(B2), row.names=FALSE)
if(as.character(Q1$First[1]) != as.character(B3$Third[1])) {
print(unname(B3), row.names=FALSE)