R: cluster analysis
Hierarchical Clustering
Calculate distance matrix (euclidean distance as default):
Use first 3 columns:
Hierarchical clustering with euclidean distance and average linkage:
hc <- hclust(distance_matrix)
Print the dendrogram:
Dendrogram function with different graphic options:
ggdendrogram(hc, theme_dendro = FALSE)
Another dendrogram option:
myplclust(hc, lab.col = unclass(tab$col)) #lab.col to color based on column value
abline(h=1.5,col="red") #dendrogram cut
K-Means Clustering
k-means non-hierarchical clustering with two groups:
Exclude columns 11 and 12 and divide into 5 groups:
Clust <- kmeans(tab[,-c(11:12)], centers=5)
Built a table having every different version of col for columns and the different groups as rows, to see how the col value are distributed inside the groups:
table(Clust$cluster, tab$col)
Other useful parameters:
iter.max: max iteration number before stop.
nstart: different number of centroids to stard. nstart = 100 means 100 different test with different centroids, then it can choose the best.